6 Ways the dotloop Mobile Scanner Saves Real Estate Agents Time


Driving to a client’s house and taking pictures of needed repairs or improvements is so 2019. Not to mention it’s a major time suck that can be easily remedied with the dotloop mobile app.

If you have images that should accompany your transaction, this trick works for several scenarios. While walking through the house with a buyer, take pictures of anything they may have questioned. Later, you can bring those images into the loop for your record and future action.

Question: How do I put or change my picture in the MLS?

Answer: Adding your agent photo to MATRIX 360 MLS is as easy as adding listing photos. Click here to print or download the instructions.


The NOR office is open on an appointment basis. If you need help with any NORIS product please email us at, sharon@nworealtors.com, lori@nworealtors.com, shari@nworealtors.com and we will be happy to set up a time for you to come in.