Avoid Copyright Infringement When Using Images, Music

Window on the law video

It may be tempting to use that photo for your website that you found while searching Google, or a catchy, popular song in a listing video or even your next virtual event. But not so fast. Make sure these seemingly harmless uses of photos and music aren’t violating any copyright laws, which could land you in legal trouble.

National Association of REALTORS®’ Senior Counsel Chloe Hecht offers up best practices to legally use third-party creative works in your marketing in the latest “Window to the Law” video at nar.realtor.

Tip of the Week

Question:  If I withdraw a listing how may days do we have to wait to enter it back into the MLS?

Answer: If you withdraw a listing from the MLS you need to wait 10 days to avoid a $100.00 relisting fee.

Noris MLS

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